Court Lodge Calendar Sketch has been set up to produce artwork inspired by the beauty of this East Sussex gem!
Would love you to join me on the journey throughout 2012.
In the mean time, check out Court Lodge Organics at

Friday, 23 November 2012

Nearly there :)

Last night Sylvain came over and we put all of our pictures together to see the work produced during the year. It was brilliant to look back over them and finally to see how they all fit together. I was looking to do a portrait page for December with all the Hardings and farm staff to give a nice community feel but in the end had to admit that portraiture is HARD and not my forte! So instead, Sylvain and I designed a December page together around a Christmass Mandala theme... Ta da, so here some snippets for you and if all goes according to plan, The calendar will be complete by Sunday evening! Will see you all then!
(see sketch-i-ness left and right :)


  1. love this so much. great work. x

  2. Its pretty exciting seeing it all come together... and the christmass mandala that we did to gether is AMAZING! can'y wait to share :)
